- 6.0HD中字
简介:20世纪初,Amberson家族在当地是一个名门望族。年轻人Eugene Morgan(约瑟夫·科顿 J免费交友婚恋oseph Cotten 饰)苦苦追求Amberson家的Isabel(多洛雷斯·卡斯特洛 Dolores Costello 饰)无果,Isabel最终嫁给了Wilbur Minafer(Donald Dillaway 饰演),两人生下儿子George(提姆·霍尔特 Tim Holt 饰)。George在父母的溺爱下长大,从小就是个骄横的孩子,长大后更是变本加厉。从大学回家的George遇到了来他们家做客的Eugene Morgan,此时的Morgan已是一个在研究动力车的人,他的妻子去世,留给他一个女儿Lucy(安妮·巴克斯特 Ann西瓜视频下载的视频怎么提出来e Baxter)。George爱上了Lucy,而George的姑姑似乎也对Morgan青睐有加。不久George的父亲去世了,George开始在Amberson家族里当家做主。他听闻了Morgan和他母亲的一些传闻,严厉阻止了其发展,并带着他的母亲去欧洲旅游。而Morgan的汽车研究正在不断壮大,却遭到了George的轻视。无视社会发展的George正在随着Amberson家族的没落而渐渐失去了他原有的一切...... 本片根据Booth Tarkington于1918年出版的同名小说改编,提名5电影奥斯卡最佳女配角和最佳影片等奖项。
- 2.0HD中字
简介: 法国外交官托尔博早年曾经经历过一次火车出轨事故,因头部受伤得了失忆症。多年后,当托尔博成为外交新星的时刻,被一伙儿声称是他过去犯罪同伙的人敲诈勒索。由于失忆,托尔博并不知道自己是否曾经参与过犯罪,但他又该怎样摆脱这顶在他头上的巨大阴影呢……本片编剧巧妙,节奏掌握合适,层层深入的描述方式将观众牢牢吸引在这巨大的谜团之中,直到真相揭晓的一刻。
- 1.0HD
亨弗莱·鲍嘉,英格丽·褒曼,保罗·亨雷德,克劳德·雷恩斯,康拉德·韦特,西德尼·格林斯垂特,彼得·洛,S·Z·萨卡尔,玛德琳·勒博,杜利·威尔逊,乔伊·派奇,约翰奎尔伦,列昂尼德·金斯基,科特·博伊斯,Enrique Acosta,Ed Agresti,Louis V. Arco,Brandon Beach,利昂·贝拉斯科,Trude Berliner,奥利弗布莱克,蒙蒂·布卢,欧仁·博登,Dic
简介:二战期间,卡萨布兰卡是欧洲逃往美国的必经之地,那里鱼龙混杂,局势紧张。里克(亨佛莱?鲍嘉 Humphrey Bogart 饰)是一个神秘的商人,他在卡萨布兰卡开了一家人气很旺的夜总优优人体芝术会,并拥有两张宝贵的通行证。一天,反纳粹人士维克多和妻子伊尔莎(英格丽?褒曼 Ingrid Bergman 饰)来到夜总会,原来他们正在逃避纳粹的追捕。碰玩死你巧的是,里克发现,伊尔莎竟然是他的旧日情人。那段爱曾经刻骨铭心,却因为一个误会而终止。而当误会消解时,伊尔莎和里克的感情还是不可避免的重燃了。里克手上的两张通行证能帮助维克多度过难关,但这样左道倾天小说一来,伊尔莎是决定留下,还是离去,他们的爱情在政治和伦理的推波逐流中走向何方。
- 7.0美国大兵浴血奋战珍珠港
- 5.0HD中字
简介:15世纪一座巨大的白色城堡里,正在举行盛大的节日庆祝会。魔鬼派遣他创造的人混在杂技艺人当中。在这个却是很美的开始场景中,服装师,演员们和音乐师全都沉醉在法国传统中,他们都以一种完美而准确的风格重现古代细笔画中的人物形象。在这个开头场景以后,在中古时代的服饰下,编剧和导演所表现的世界一直没有变化。但他们的论点发生了改变。影片一方面表现的是善良人,被爱情变得圣洁的人——则那位吟诗人和年轻的领主夫人,另一方面是魔鬼亲自率领的那些邪恶的人,魔鬼在这里同命运混成一体。 本片受到了最热烈的欢迎。卡尔内原想把这部神话故事放在当前的时代中来演出。后来,由于慎重考虑,他把时代背景改为迷信魔鬼与巫术的中世纪。原来剧作者的心目中,魔鬼是希特勒的形象。但在影片中这一影射却很难看出来。魔鬼使用妖法,把那些情人化成石像,伫立在喷不知火舞和小男孩水池旁,池水反映出骑士们比武,邪恶获得胜利。但是那对被链条锁住,受尽折磨的情人,最后还是不顾一切地聚会在一起,他们的心在石像里面不停的跳动着。人们可以看出这正是被囚禁的法国形象、在卡尔内和普莱卫的影片中,人们第一次看到命运与邪恶无力征服爱和善。
- 8.0HD中字
简介: 由于害怕因第三次犯案而终身监男女靠比视频禁,被定罪的伯尔尼公爵(duke berne)从一场装甲车抢劫案中脱身,这起抢劫案是由他那奸诈的律师策划的,但他无论如何都是被陷害的你好李焕英在线免费观看。
- 3.0HD中字
简介:夏洛特(贝蒂·戴维斯 B波推飞机ette Davis 饰)已经能算得上是一个老姑娘了,她梳着呆板的发型,穿着保守的服装,性格也古里古怪的,更糟糕的是,她似乎还染上了酗酒的坏毛病。在家人的建议之下,夏洛特决定踏上治疗心灵的旅途,登上了驶往远方的游轮。 在游轮上,夏洛特邂逅了名为杰瑞(保罗·亨雷德 Paul Henreid 饰)的男子,并且在误打误撞之中和杰瑞的女儿结下了深厚的友谊。很快,夏洛特就感到自己坠入了情网之中,然而,此时的杰瑞并不是自由身,他有这一段无法结束的婚姻。心碎的夏洛特选择了离开,而夏洛特的母亲也在不久之后撒手人寰。
- 8.0HD中字
简介: 家住金泽的教师堀川周平(笠智众 饰)是一个人生坎坷的男人,他的妻子早年去世,多年来周平独自含辛茹苦将儿子良平养大。在某次郊游中,一名学生不幸溺毙,周平作为负责人引咎辞职。失去工作后他带着儿子回到故乡信州,并在村里谋得一份差使勉红音萤全集强度日。良平学习还算用功,他进入中学后寄宿学校,而为了能供儿子完成接下来的学业,周平只身前往东京工作。此去经年,黄天不负有心人的良平(佐野周二 饰)考入仙台帝大,进而在秋田的一所学校取得教师的岗位。他日昔盼望和父亲重聚,怎奈周平全力支持儿子的事业,不忍拖周平的后腿。在动荡的岁月迁徙,父子分出两地遥遥相望…… 本片剧本是小津安二郎于1937年出征前唐砖免费阅读无弹窗夕完成的。
- 8.0HD中字
- 6.0HD中字
简介:帕里斯(罗伯特·卡明斯 Robert Cummings 饰)和德雷克(罗纳德·里根 Ronald Reagan 饰)是青梅竹马的玩伴,虽然他们的性格大相径庭,但两人之间的帅哥露鸟照感情却非常的要好。帕里斯爱上了医生亚历山大(克劳德·雷恩斯 Claude Rains 饰)的女儿卡桑德拉(贝蒂·菲尔德 Betty Field 饰),然而,卡桑德拉却被严厉的父亲软禁在家中,十分的痛苦。 那边厢,个性轻浮的德雷克邂逅了名为路易斯(南茜·科曼 Nancy Coleman 饰)的女子,当德雷克前往路易斯家提亲时,他因为自己的风流韵事而遭到了路易斯家人们的拒绝。之后,德雷克又遇见了兰迪(安·谢里登 Ann Sheridan 饰),虽然兰迪出身于一个非常贫穷的家庭之中,但是两人还是很快就坠入了情网。
- 8.0HD中字
简介:在第一次世界大战中,查理斯(罗纳德·考尔曼 Ronald Colman 饰)受伤并失去了记忆,几十年的人生突然变成了一张白纸,带着迷冰河世纪下载惘和绝望的心情,他与舞女波拉(葛丽亚·嘉逊 Greer Garson 饰)邂逅了。在得知了查理斯的情况之后,波拉果断的担负起了照顾他起居的职责,在波拉的精心照料请认真和我恋爱无修版下,查理斯渐渐的康复起来。尽管记忆并没有恢复,但重拾了阅读和写作能力的他成为了一名作家。 一场意外的车祸唤醒了查理斯脑海中的记忆,同时也带走了关于波拉的一切。伤心欲绝的波拉并没有就此放弃,而是以秘书的身份再次接近了毫不知情的查田宫梨香理斯,这对心心相印却一再错身而过的情侣能否获得圆满的结局呢?
- 3.0HD
简介: Hit man Philip Raven, who's kind tostarking 宋茜 children and cats, kills a blackmailer and is paid off by traitor Willard Gates in "hot" money. Meanwhile, pert entertainer Ellen Gr东财 王婷婷aham, girlfriend of police Lieut. Crane (who's after Raven) is enlisted by a Senate committee to help investigate Gates. Raven, seeking Gates for revenge, meets Ellen on the train; their relationship gradually evolves from that of killer and potential victim to an uneasy alliance against a co青春 韩国电影mmon enemy.
- 10.0DVD
简介: <新商盟网上订烟登录 手机 页面;/p>
- 2.0HD
简介: New York private detective Duncan "Mac" MacLain is blind but has keenly developed all his other senses. He pursues his work assisted by his faithful guide dog Friday, his butler, Alistair, and his assistant, Marty. Retired actress Norma Lawry, an old friend, comes to Mac seeking advice. Her headstrong 17-year-old step-daughter Barbara, herself a promising actress, is enamored with her leading man in a small theater production, the much older Lothario Paul Gerente. Paul, who had once been Norma's lover, has convinced Barbara that Norma actually wants Paul for herself and has only married her father Stephen for his money. At Mac's urging, Norma tried to reason with Paul, but he insists that he loves Barbara and laughs her off. Barbara is equally disdainful of her and agrees to meet Paul for dinner that night at his apartment. Norma's husband Stephen Lawry is a scientist leaving that night on a trip to test a secret invention on which he has been working for the government and the war effort. Worried about Barbara, she uses a pretext not to accompany Stephen and goes to the apartment. When Barbara arrives, she finds Paul's dead body and thinks that Norma has killed him, even though Norma insists that he was dead when she arrived. Barbara threatens to call the police unless she leaves Stephen. Fearing that a scandal will hurt him, Norma agrees. Norma then turns to Mac, who goes to Paul's apartment with Friday and Marty, only to find the body and the rug under it missing. A man arrives to replace the rug and Mac hides in a closet, overhearing a telephone call to Norma's number from "Gabriel" to "Vera." Mac accidentally gives himself away, but with Friday's help overpowers Gabriel, who refuses to talk. Mac has Marty hide him to keep him under wraps. Norma returns to her country home unexpectedly, which discourages an espionage ring that includes her butler, Hansen, from breaking into Stephen's safe and stealing his plans. They have killed Gerente, who was also an agent, and hidden the body. Mac arrives with Friday at Norma's house and pretends to be her curmudgeonly "Uncle Mac" who has come for a visit. His blindness lulls any suspicions Hansen might have about him. Shortly thereafter, Barbara comes home from an "emergency rehearsal", called to get her out of the house by her director, Cheli Scott, who inveigles an invita纯黑的噩梦tion to spend the night at the Lawry home. Unknown to Barbara and Norma, Cheli is the ringleader of the spies. Cheli ordered Paul killed because his affection for Barbara was beginning to limit his effectiveness, and she immediately suspects Mac is not what he seems. Gabriel's wife Vera, the Lawrys' maid, is also a part of the plot. When Gabriel does not return home, Vera becomes hysterical with worry. Mac secretly asks Vera to meet him in the greenhouse, using her worry about Gabriel as a lure. She is observed by the others, however, and is killed by Hansen before she can reach Mac. The spies cut the house's telephone wires so that Mac and Norma cannot call the police, and Cheli has Mac locked up under guard. Using his blindness as a distraction, Mac overpowers his guard and releases Friday out a window with instructions to "go home and get Marty." Stephen arrives home and Cheli threatens his family if he does not give her the final step in creating his invention, which was not in the safe. Barbara finally realizes how much Norma actually cares for her. Mac tries to stall for time, but is locked in the cellar. When Hansen goes to kill him, Mac has broken the light bulb and his advantage of total darkness helps him overcome the spy. Marty and Friday return with the police. When Friday is spotted by a lookout, Mac overpowers him and is saved from being shot by another lookout by Friday. After the spies are captured, Stephen and Norma are off to Washington, D.C., with Barbara remaining behind to care for her new "Uncle Mac."
- 6.0HD
简介: New York private detective Duncan "Mac" MacLain is blind but has keenly developed all his other senses. He pursues his work assisted by his faithful guide dog Friday, his butler, Alistair, and his assistant, Marty. Retired actress Norma Lawry, an old friend, comes to Mac seeking advice. Her headstrong 17-year-old step-daughter Barbara, herself a promising actress, is enamored with her leading man in a small theater production, the much older Lothario Paul Gerente. Paul, who had once been Norma's lover, has convinced Barbara that Norma actually wants Paul for herself and has only married her father Stephen for his money. At Mac's urging, Norma tried to reason with Paul, but he insists that he loves Barbara and laughs her off. Barbara is equally disdainful of her and agrees to meet Pa冰糖炖雪梨电视剧全集免费观看ul for dinner that night at his apartment. Norma's husband Stephen Lawry is a scientist leaving that night on a trip to test a secret invention on which he has been working for the government and the war effort. Worried about Barbara, she uses a pretext not to accompany Stephen and goes to the apartment. When Barbara arrives, she finds Paul's dead body and thinks that Norma has killed him, even though Norma insists that he was dead when she arrived. Barbara threatens to call the police unless she leaves Stephen. Fearing that a scandal will hurt him, Norma agrees. Norma then turns to Mac, who goes to Paul's apartment with Friday and Marty, only to find the body and the rug under it missing. A man arrives to replace the rug and Mac hides in a closet, overhearing a telephone call to Norma's number from "Gabriel" to "Vera." Mac accidentally gives himself away, but with Friday's help overpowers Gabriel, who refuses to talk. Mac has Marty hide him to keep him under wraps. Norma returns to her country home unexpectedly, which discourages an espionage ring that includes her butler, Hansen, from breaking into Stephen's safe and stealing his plans. They have killed Gerente, who was also an agent, and hidden the body. Mac arrives with Friday at Norma's house and pretends to be her curmudgeonly "Uncle Mac" who has come for a visit. His blindness lulls any suspicions Hansen might have about him. Shortly都市男女 thereafter, Barbara comes home from an "emergency rehearsal", called to get her out of the house by her director, Cheli Scott, who inveigles an invitation to spend the night at the Lawry home. Unknown to Barbara and Norma, Cheli is the ringleader of the spies. Cheli ordered Paul killed because his affection for Barbara was beginning to limit his effectiveness, and she immediately suspects Mac is not what he seems. Gabriel's wife Vera, the Lawrys' maid, is also a part of the plot. When Gabriel does not return home, Vera becomes hysterical with worry. Mac secretly asks Vera to meet him in the greenhouse, using her worry about Gabriel as a lure. She is observed by the others, however, and is killed by Hansen before she can reach Mac. The spies cut the house's telephone wires so that Mac and Norma cannot call the police, and Cheli has Mac locked up under guard. Using his blindness as a distraction, Mac overpowen0593rs his guard and releases Friday out a window with instructions to "go home and get Marty." Stephen arrives home and Cheli threatens his family if he does not give her the final step in creating his invention, which was not in the safe. Barbara finally realizes how much Norma actually cares for her. Mac tries to stall for time, but is locked in the cellar. When Hansen goes to kill him, Mac has broken the light bulb and his advantage of total darkness helps him overcome the spy. Marty and Friday return with the police. When Friday is spotted by a lookout, Mac overpowers him and is saved from being shot by another lookout by Friday. After the spies are captured, Stephen and Norma are off to Washington, D.C., with Barbara remaining behind to care for her new "Uncle Mac."